• You are bored with your current blog theme and need an upgrade

  • You just set up your new WordPress site, but it’s a little on the plain side. You want to spruce things up, but all that techie talk just makes you want to throw your hands up and say “forget it”.

  • Your blog is up and running and you’re looking to update your WordPress Theme, but you're not sure how to do this without everything going haywire.

This is for you if:

What's Included

Installation of the WordPress theme of your choice.  Theme must be purchased separately. View our recommended themes here.

Installation of Plug-Ins necessary to run theme as shown in the demo

Setup theme to look like the demo, including the demo Pages, Categories, Widgets, Headers & Footers

purchase now for $69

what's not included

Customizations such as changing the color scheme to something other than the demo

Configurations to WooCommerce settings 

Installation of plugins not required with the theme’s demo setup

Additional pages or Categories that are not included in the Theme

Adding Blog Posts, Content, and Photos

Installation of your logo /sub-marks /favicon

Domain and WordPress hosting set up

Social media icons linked to your social media sites

If you need any of the services listed above, please check out our
Premium Theme Install

Customizations such as changing the color scheme to something other than the demo

How It Works

Purchase your theme


Purchase this Standard theme Install Service


fill out the standard theme install form


Your new theme will be ready in 1-2 days


Click here to browse recommended themes, or you can provide us with any WordPress Theme that you choose to purchase.

After you make your Standard Theme Install purchase, you'll be redirected to The Install Form. This is where you'll enter all the info I'll need to get started on your theme install. 

After filling out the Standard Theme Install Form, I'll receive a notification and get started on your Standard Theme Install. You'll receive an email confirming that your files were received.

You'll receive an email once your new theme is installed and setup, 

This theme install service is for self-hosted WordPress.org or WordPress.com business plan sites only. You’re going to need the following before we can install your theme.

Domain – You will need to have already purchased your own domain name. If you are using Bluehost for your hosting provider, they will provide you with a free domain.

Hosting – You will need a service to host your new website on the web. Don’t worry, it’s super easy. If you need help, this step-by-step guide will walk you through it.

Will I need anything before purchasing?

purchase now

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